Reading 1
Reading “Photography Changes Everything” really made me think about photography as a field. I have always thought of photography as both an art and a tool but to look at how many fields it touches is truly amazing. The vastness of photography is such that even when the author attempts to break it down into 6 categories there still remains so much more.
While reading “Approaches to What?” I thought about photography and how we only seem to see the extraordinary photos of amazing or exotic things, people, places or ideas. You never see pictures of the bottoms of refrigerators or the inside of doorknobs, yet these things exist and in some cases can seem extraordinary. While I feel like I try to take pictures of some ordinary things and portray them in ways that make them seem extraordinary, these things rarely catch on as much as the extraordinary ones.
Photography to me is both a tool and an art form. Sometimes when I am using it as a tool it becomes an art and vice versa. I spend most of my day interacting with photography in one form or another. Whether taking photos, viewing, editing or sharing them, I do photography almost all day. It’s what I do.