Project 4 Idea, Timeline and Installation

For my final project I plan on collaborating with Josh Brandis. Our current storyline includes a fictitious character engaged in a texting based argument with siblings. Great attention will be paid to creative shots and editing. 

My vision for this piece is a black and white dramatic mood that has a calculated and consistent tempo to create a timeless tone laid over the modern story. Facial expressions contrasted with emoji expressions and spoken word contrasted with virtual word will present the two worlds we live in.



4/10, 4/12

Write storyboard

Get footage


4/17, 4/19

Get footage

Edit footage


4/24, 4/26

More editing



Finish editing and upload



Installation would consist of multiple living rooms each with a couch, coffee table and tv. In each space there would be a similar aesthetic and personality. Each tv would be playing the same piece but all at different paces and starting points creating a disconnect.

Yang Fudong, a Chinese video artist, presents many of his pieces in simple spaces where the screens dominate. I believe this simplicity could be powerful and applicable to my piece. Giving the viewers empty space around the tvs provides room for thought and imagination. 


Aaron Raymond